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Disclosure on Cookies


In accordance with the provisions of Italian and European law concerning the protection of personal data (namely Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR), Legislative Decree D.Lgs. No. 196/2003, and any other legislation on the protection of personal data applicable in Italy, including measures taken by the Data Protection Authority), hereinafter also called, for the sake of brevity, “Privacy Legislation”, the company DANESI CARGO GROUP, registered address at Via C. Fiorillo, Marina di Carrara – 654033  (ITALY), as Controller of data processing, hereby informs users of the website about the type of cookies it uses and the purpose of the information acquired, and also provides details of the procedures for selection/deselection of individual cookies.


A “cookie” is a small text file created by some websites on the user’s computer when the latter accesses a certain site, with the aim of storing and conveying information. Cookies are sent to a web server (which is the computer on which the visited site operates) to the user’s browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome etc.) and memorised on the latter’s computer.


They are then re-sent to the website on the occasion of successive return visits. Some operations cannot be executed without the use of cookies which, in some cases, are technically necessary. In other cases, the site uses cookies to facilitate and speed up navigation by the user or to allow the user to make the most of services specifically requested.


Cookies can also remain in the system for long periods and can also contain a unique identifier code. This allows the sites that use them to keep track of navigation by the user within the site itself, for statistical or advertising purposes, to create a personalised profile of the user based on the pages that he/she has visited and show them or send them targeted advertising material (so-called. behavioural advertising).


This website uses various types of technical cookie, but not profiling cookies. The Controller, according to the guidelines issued by the Data Supervisory Authority in the general order of 8 May 2014, presents below the specific categories of cook used, the purpose and consequences of their deselection:

Cookie tecniciWebsite management. Allow secure and efficient functioning of the website.Gestione del sito. Consentono il funzionamento e l’esplorazione sicura ed efficiente del sito web.Validi per la sessione di navigazione.
Cookie di funzionalitàFacilitate navigation and service provided to user based on a series of criteria selected by the latter.Facilitare la navigazione e il servizio reso all’utente in funzione di una serie di criteri da quest’ultimo selezionati.Validi per la sessione di navigazione.
Cookie analyticsCollects information in aggregated form on navigation by the user to optimise experience of navigation and services themselves.Raccogliere informazioni in forma aggregata sulla navigazione da parte degli utenti per ottimizzare l’esperienza di navigazione e i servizi stessi.Stabiliti dalla terza parte.


This website also has third party cookies. These are cookies created by a website other than the one the user is currently visiting.

Based on the guidelines issued by the Data Supervisory Authority on 8 May 2014, the Controller is required to provide an updated link to information notes and consent modules of third parties by which appropriate agreements are concluded for the installation of cookies by the website itself.

In particular, users are informed that the website uses the following services which issue cookies:

  • web analysis service “Google Analytics” provided by Google, Inc. Google Analytics is a web analysis services which uses “cookies” deposited on the user’s computer to allow the visited website to analyse how the users use it. The information generated by the cookies on the use of the website visited by the user (including the IP address) will be transmitted to Google, and filed on the Google server in the United States. Google will use this information to track and examine the use of the website by the user, compile a report on the activities of the website for the website operators and provide other services related to the activities on the website and use of the Internet. To consult the privacy information statement of the Google Company relating to the Google Analytics service, and to give your consent to the use of these cookies, go to the website, and click on the following link: Privacy Policy. If you want to deactivate these cookies, it will be possible to prevent the memorisation on your own computer using the “Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on”

DANESI CARGO GROUP applies the “IP masking” option provided by Google Analytics, which imposes on the system a blanking of the last 8 figures of the IP address of the visitor before any elaboration, thus rendering the data anonymous.

List of cookies used on this site:

_ga This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to calculate visitor data, sessions, campaigns and track site usage for the site analysis report. Cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to define unique visitors. 2 years
_gid This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to store information on how visitors use a website and helps to create an analytical report on the progress of the website. The data collected includes the number of visitors, the source they come from and the pages visited anonymously. 1 day
_icl_visitor_lang_js Session
moove_gdpr_popup To store preferences relating to cookie consent. Session


The data processing is carried out by a computerised procedure or telematic media by appropriately authorised internal staff. The data are stored in electronic archives in full compliance with the minimum security measures required by law. The data processing is carried out by a computerised procedure or telematic media or paper supports by appropriately authorised internal staff.


The data collected will not be published and/or disseminated. Communication to third parties, other than the Controller, processors and other persons authorised to process the data, designated and appointed in accordance with Privacy Legislation, is envisaged where necessary for the purposes mentioned above. In any case, processing of data by the aforementioned persons (such as computer support and supply companies which ensure the proper functioning of the portal) will comply fully with the principle of fairness and the applicable law.


The persons concerned may assert specific rights under arts. 15 and f. of the GDPR, including:

  • right to obtain from the controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her are being processed;
  • access to the personal data and the following information (the purposes of the processing; the categories of personal data concerned; the recipients of the data, the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored etc.);
  • right to request rectification or restriction of the processing of the data;
  • right to obtain erasure of the personal data on valid grounds;
  • right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

For the purpose of the exercise of rights under Privacy Legislation, the Controller provides the following email address:


The Controller is SAVINO DEL BENE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SRL, registered address at 5/2 VIA BENOZZO GOZZOLI SCANDICCI (FLORENCE) ITALY. The updated list of processors is available at the registered office of the Controller.


The personal data will be stored by the Controller in full compliance with the principle of need, minimizing and limiting conservation, by adopting technical and organisational measures appropriate to the level of processing risk, for the time indicated in the table above and in any case for the period envisaged by law.


By accessing the site and passing the initial banner containing the brief information, the user has given his/her express consent to the use of the technical cookies indicated in this document and the installation of the third party cookies indicated above. The selection/deselection of individual cookies can be done freely through the user’s own browser (selecting the settings menu, clicking on Internet options, opening the technical drop-down list on privacy and choosing the desired level of block cookies) For further information, consult the following links: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Windows Explorer.


In addition, you can activate the Do Not Track option available in most of the latest generation browsers. Third party cookies can be disabled by the methods indicated in the third party’s privacy policy, through the indicated link, or by contacting the third party directly. Disabling “third party” cookies does not in any way interfere with navigability.

Palletized or Single Shipments

Ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Special Equipment

Spedizioni per carichi speciali

È il servizio speciale destinato al trasporto di merci fuori sagoma, che non rientrano nelle misure ordinarie del contenitore o che richiedono una movimentazione fuori dagli standard. Un team di esperti, tra cui gli specialisti in Project Cargo, curano ogni singolo aspetto al fine di gestire e ridurre la complessità di questo tipo di spedizioni: dal carico e scarico attraverso navi specializzate dotate di gru per carichi pesanti, alla gestione documentale, dallo sdoganamento alla consegna, garantendo sempre una soluzione personalizzata e flessibile rispetto al vostro business.


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Spedizioni di contenitori completi door to door

Si tratta di spedizioni di contenitori completi, dove alla tratta via mare si aggiunge un servizio multimodale composto da trasporto su gomma o su rotaia, che consente un servizio door to door da ogni origine e per ogni destinazione. Rappresenta la formula ottimale per spedire grandi quantitativi di merci.

Si tratta di spedizioni di contenitori completi, dove alla tratta via mare si aggiunge un servizio multimodale composto da trasporto su gomma o su rotaia, che consente un servizio door to door da ogni origine e per ogni destinazione. Rappresenta la formula ottimale per spedire grandi quantitativi di merci.